
class ansys.edb.core.utility.material_property_thermal_modifier_params.AdvancedQuadraticParams(temp_lower_limit_val='-273.15cel', temp_upper_limit_val='1000cel', auto_calc_constant_thermal_modifier_vals=True, lower_constant_thermal_modifier_val=1, upper_constant_thermal_modifier_val=1)#

Represents advanced quadratic parameters.

temp_lower_limit_valstr, int, float, complex, Value

Lower temperature limit where the quadratic model is valid.

temp_upper_limit_valstr, int, float, complex, Value

Upper temperature limit where the quadratic model is valid.

auto_calc_constant_thermal_modifier_valsstr, int, float, complex, Value

Flag indicating if the values for the lower and upper constant thermal modifieries are to be automatically calculated.

lower_constant_thermal_modifier_valstr, int, float, complex, Value

Constant thermal modifier value for temperatures less than the lower constant thermal modifier value.

upper_constant_thermal_modifier_valstr, int, float, complex, Value

Constant thermal modifier value for temperatures greater than the upper constant thermal modifier value.
